THE DAILY ARSE 24th April End/Beginning

Today marks the final end game of pink stick- on patches. Bumwise everything should be a brand spanking new beginning... And it's a landmark day at 5c High Street. The last afternoon of frustration with small electrical fittings, the last sprawling around in plasterboard dust, the last futile session of self-talk " Not much to do now etc.." To mark the occasion we had an argument about boot prints on the new bathroom vinyl. Then I ate a fish supper. That's as far as the celebrations went, its only taken 14 months on and off, more off than on Isabelle tells me. After carrying all the tools out to the car in the rain, it was dark. Then I was ready to fall asleep at the wheel. Just the new fridge-freezer to manhandle up the stairs tomorrow night (Yawn)... Then its a new beginning for our tenant: a very recently separated mother of two, judging by the plastercast on her right forearm...


Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.