As the swan flies (or doesn't) we are but a few miles from the epi-centre of the current ourbreak of paranoia. This morning I felt a sneeze coming on whilst climbing up the ladders at No. 59, I could be coming down with a touch of pandemic ?
You just don't know ?
Tomorrow we'll be getting well away from the affected zone. All aboard The Megabus ! because we're bound for Cali-for-ni-A, well ....actually, the famously remote island of St Kilda, now uninhabited, apart from hundreds of thousands of....errrr..... seabirds.
TRIP TO ST KILDA by Dai Version Anglo-irish welsh scotsman.
If ye want ma honest opinion we havenae got a snawballs chance in hell of bein landit on yon island by monday. Ye ken for why? cause thon puir suffering craiters that were a' liftit aff in the 30's, it was for the very reason that naebody could get landit mair then maybes twa days in a hale month!
And noo we're a' juist expectit tae hae were ain wee landing pairty an thats juist for the hell o it, no cause some desparate wumman's at the point o haein a bairn are naethin.
Glossary of Dai-speak
snawball snowball
ken know
landit landed
puir poor
craiter creature
aff off
mair more
hale whole
juist just
bairn child
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