24th May The Four Stages of Life

As I opened a tin of Tesco Mackerel Fillet in Tomato Sauce, John the retired fireman (52) said: "You'll live forever if you eat that stuff".
"What's that"? asked Mr McKay Snr,
"Mackerel" grunted McKay Jnr.

The conversation turned to blood pressure, "the silent killer" announced John - recently diagnosed with raised B.P. following his Annual HGV Medical - "because you don't know you've got it till......that's you".

This was the cue for McKay Snr (still slating roofs at 68) to go into considerable detail about his own heart problem which had resulted in taking the prescribed four tablets a day.
"I'll never live to 100".
"I hope to *uck you don't" quipped McKay Jnr, "I'm not having you on a roof when you're 90 years old".

McKay Jnr is at the point in life where, although obviously aware of blood pressure, still feels there's time enough ahead, evidenced by eating a lot of crisps and smoking.

The young apprentice is outside with a football, performing tricks like a sea lion and generally running around, heart presumably A1.


Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

Judith said...

This rings a bell for me, being well into the 'four tablets a day'stage myself. I like your multi-generational comments. Nice to have you visit my blog.