30th August. Chicken Marijuana.

I was sitting outside the other day having a cup of tea with the gammie-legged pigeons. It was then I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, something unusual...

I exclaimed to Isabelle "What's that huge Cannabis plant growing there in front of the hen house?!"

"What Cannabis plant?"

I pointed out the bright green familiar shaped leaves. "If it looks like Cannabis and it smells like Cannabis, it must be....?"

It's not clear whose diet here includes hemp seed but it's psychoactive properties could well be marginal. But I see, for purely decorative reasons, "the plant" has been moved to a more prominent border. The Chief Constable up the road might have something to say about that?

This morning Isabelle remarked that the two new chicks, which are moved around the lawn with their mother hen, were running short of grass. Grass?

This suggested an experiment: feeding the dope plant to them, then checking for any signs of reefer madness...

Err... well, maybe not?

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