13th February. Mekong Delta Blues.

Seated two by two we plough through the choppy grey waters of the Mekong River in a traditional longboat. We have paid for Isabelles anxiety to be first in the queue by being seated at the stern next to yet another unsilenced diesel. 'K' and 'F' are in another boat together with the sun cream.

The local people conduct their whole lives on the water, we power past floating markets and boatyards, the spray leaving a dubious film on the lips, Isabelle videoing continuosly. I nudge her elbow as I feel I should point out that 'F' is videoing us from the other boat running alongside, this results in a mid-shot disruption and aggravation. "You're so ****ing irritated!" I yell above the racket of the diesel outboard, what I meant to say was irritable. Anyway I make a mental note not to point out anything else...

This silence in relations is soon smoothed out against the clatter of another, incredibly large, diesel engine, the prime mover for the rice mill, our next stop on the tour.

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