27th March. Dr Romanov and The Bicycle.

Unless Dr. Romanov's centre of gravity is substantially altered by an immense beer belly his advice concerning maximum cycling efficiency may involve taking a hacksaw to my brothers bike.

This information came to light once the bicycle was connected to the giant hamster wheel. According to the Doctor, the weight of one's body is most effective when above the pushing of the pedals. Thus one is in effect permanently falling over the handlebars and gravity does all the work.

His idea is that one cannot push any harder than one's own weight (true enough). This is the maximum force that could ever be exerted. It's possible then that a massively overdeveloped stomach when coupled with the correct seating position could be a winner... but only in The Tour de France, probably not in a Triathlon.


The Snoring Man said...

What about a pair of lead lined cycling shoes? Remembering of course to discard them for the swim and run.

The Editor said...

A diver's weight belt may be the ultimate answer for failure to take open water swimming in one's stride.