10th April. Stages of Life on A Tuesday.

Today Mr & Mrs M. were in the process of scarifying their lawn which is divided in two by the path leading to the front door of the detached bungalow; Mr M. in charge of the electric rotary device and Mrs raking the moss into piles. "I'm not an immaculate lawn fiend" explained Mr M. "but it was getting pretty bad".

The M's are at the lawn scarification stage of life with no dependants, mainly going away with SAGA or extended golfing breaks in the Algarve interspersed with property maintenance until illness strikes... It might be something as simple as Golfers Elbow or something worse like Bowel Cancer, one never knows.

I'd only just got home and A.N. Other e-mailed, could he borrow my roof ladders and me because his family, it appears, cannot live without television. A.N. is unable to go beyond the level of the gutters to fix the cable from the aerial due to Vertigo and is also going through some kind of mid-life stage. Recently he has been working his notice, "From tomorrow technically I'm on holiday, subject to negotiation".
"Then what?"
"Then I'll probably commit suicide"

This endless carousel of households is making my head spin...

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