13th May. Girls Boarding School Tour.

"That's my Grandmother there" says one of the teenage girls pointing to a black and white photo somewhere on the way to our next stop, the Art Department. So there was no question of a State education for this pupil.

By way of introduction the Headmaster had laid it on thick with an audio-visual about the supportive environment, exam league tables and the lack of distraction - in the shape of Boys.

The chapel smelt like a church, the chemistry lab smelt of chemicals and there was a pervading smell of mince cooking, "It takes me right back to my school" said Isabelle.

Actually our daughter is still at the sperm and ovum stage of life and will probably remain so, as my sperm are getting ropier by the day but F&D, who were on their second annual open day with wee Thingummy, are toying with the idea of a private education.

"We could sell our house and move into a smaller one in a couple of years, that would free up the necessary funds."

F&D's enthusiasm for the particular benefits on offer here are tempered by a casual remark from an acquaintance who attended boarding school in Edinburgh.

He said that the boys all looked forward to any inter-school exchange because "You could definitely get a shag there."


The Snoring Man said...

A little Ms Editor would certainly change things in Lining Land.

Amanda said...

It seems you speak to the snoring man a lot. Does he only refer to dreams?

The Editor said...

I'm afraid so... He inhabits a dream world, a world of limitless possibility, unlike the everyday world.

Amanda said...

Is he in an asylum?

The Editor said...

Not at all but treats a nights sleep much as a trawling expedition in deep water off the coast of Iceland, what ever comes up in the nets can be duly logged and reported.

Amanda said...

I appreciate sleep can seem like an escape but is he really living only to indulge in dreams?

The Editor said...

Perhaps as one gets older, although I could be overstepping the mark here, possibilities in everyday life reduce, whereas 'inner life' becomes enriched?

The Snoring Man said...

All that skillfully ignored my original comment, zzz.

The Editor said...

I think making another human being would be a job too far.