22nd October. High Street Anarchy.

Gazing up the High Street of Newburgh from the vantage of the P's chimney stack, one is suddenly struck by the fact that there are not two houses alike.

Even though each property adjoins another and they're all either two or three stories high and follow the line of the pavement the effect is one of something that evolved and just ended up that way for no particular reason.

Obviously it plays havoc with where the wheelie bins should be stored and there's no off street parking. To ensure compliance the whole street should be demolished to make way for something properly planned out like the uniformity of council houses you can see when you look the other way from the chimney.

Why is it when humans plan things out it always ends up so crap?

It's like those experiments in investment planning with chimpanzees and stockbrokers. the chimps tend to do better.


The Snoring Man said...

Wondered why I found the place so disturbing, I must be a schemie at heart.

The Editor said...

Don't forget though that practically anything disturbs you.

The Snoring Man said...

That's disturbing.