25th January. Tar.

"Do you mind if I smoke?" says George after he'd finished his tuna and mayonnaise roll.

"It's up to you" I reply "It's your house'"

"Do you not believe me about the problems with tar in the chimney if you don't have a liner fitted?"

"No, no, I believe you alright, It's just that I'd be saving quite a lot of money."

I suppose if you took a long term view of smoking then you wouldn't smoke would you?

Maybe it's like the first sign of stains on the living room wall and I'll give you a call and we can put a liner in then,

or the first malignant lung biopsy and I'll definitely stop?


The Incredible Bulk said...

It's just like Golden Virginia roll ups.

On the one hand, you save a lot of money. The flip side is a greatly increased tar build up.

The Incredible Bulk said...

Actually, perhaps you should move in to the Lung Lining business. Plenty of customers would pay handsomley to have a steel gullet that would allow continued smoking.