26th January. Parallel Lives.

Still squeezing the cat's bladder twice a day...

It makes you think, if you could have seen the path your life would take, would you still have taken that road?

What would be really nice would be to have a Grand Reunion where all the various clones of oneself meet up to share their experience of life.

One interesting clone had just celebrated a 25th wedding anniversary with Junior's mother, he looks a little more tired than the others and wears a heavy knitted cardigan.


The Incredible Bulk said...

On a happier note, the hard work of making a movie of your idea has already been done.

Sliding Doors. The ladies enjoy that one.

The Editor said...

Bag of shite!

The Incredible Bulk said...

I cried.

The Editor said...

I can't stand that woman or those hammed up "British" things aimed at the transatlantic viewer.