18th March. Chimney Deja-Vu.

"We're looking at fitting a multifuel stove in this room" says the blonde haired woman that looks like she's reached that age when women start ironing their hair, "Something about 8 watts".

Yeah well 8 watts? you'd be as well putting an energy efficient bulb in the fireplace and huddling around that.

"You were recommended to us by our friends in Bellwood Park"

"Errr... is that the woman that teaches baby massage?"

"No... but she lives next door and recommended you to our friends"

"Oh right"

"I get the feeling I've already been in this house before and done something to a chimney, do you mind if I have a look round?"

The kitchen is an expanse of marble tiles and looks like every other new kitchen.

"I'm not sure, the kitchen was all completely retro 1950's even the fridge was authentic."

"Yes! That's right! it was like that when we moved in, of course we've had it all completely redone.

It's a classic case of one woman's idea of what looks good being completely destroyed to make way for another woman's idea of what looks good.

It's all comng back now, I'd been recommended to the previous woman by yet another woman from the street below.

And the greatest irony of it all is: I'd be quoting the current woman to pull apart the fireplace and fit a liner in the exact same chimney that the previous woman had paid me to fix.

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