22nd October. Dr. Oetker Writes...

"Blood in the urine is indicative of a possible Urinary Tract Infection possibly caused by being a dirty bastard, if you'd changed your underpants more often this would never have happened.

If the symptoms still persist after a course of antibiotics I wouldn't be surprised if you've got prostate cancer from sticking your head in one too many sooty chimneys, that's all down to career choice.

Either way I've no sympathy.

You may only have a couple of months."


The Incredible Bulk said...

That's quite a specific diagnosis from a book written by a man about running.

Very interesting.

Or does Dr. Oetker talk to you regularly?

The Editor said...

There is also 'Jogger's Bladder' from too much running irritating the walls of the bladder and causing the 'caffreys effect'.

The Incredible Bulk said...

But I doubt that a few km every now and again constitutes "toom much running".

Frankly, I suspect it's just down to too much Caffreys.

I like to call a spade a spade.