3rd April. Betty's Elixir.

Betty, a remarkably fit looking OAP, made a move to the shower at the end, the one that everyone says "NO That's Cold!" to any Leisure Pool newcomer before they press the button, which peversely also has a red dot in the middle of it.

Betty gets the full force.

"What's with the cold shower?" says E. languishing under a comfortingly hot shower. 

E. is quite fit looking too but probably only about nineteen, another early morning health fanatic type. 

"I'm meant to stay under it till it goes off but now there's a lot more pressure than there used to be."

"Let's have a go!" I say and step manfully under and press the red dotted button.

After about  five seconds I have to emit a shriek like an even younger girl. 


But you do actually feel great afterwards. 

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