13th July. Oban And Back In A Day! - I Receive An Award.

Decided to cycle to Oban and back in a day for Steak Pie & Chips (only 194 miles).

Awoke at 3 .40 am, I could get up now, I thought but then waited till the alarm at 4.00am.

Away at 5 am. but had an unnatural bowel movement in the Ladies conveniences at Comrie 6.45am. 

The Gents was locked. Why? because women need the toilet more? What about the prostate for starters?

Mentally the route can be divided up for the sake of sanity;  Home - Burger Van - Chip Shop - Burger Van Again - Home, as well as regulating that all important on  bike fueling.

The whole day was, frankly, a testament to unhealthy eating. 

As far that 'Energie' drink I'm afraid it was implicated in the 'Comrie Event' so I switched to something more widely available in the shape of warm Coca-Cola. 

It may be gassy but I'd sooner that than risk soiling my Tri-suit. 

The 150 mile mark saw me back at the Burger van and only 50 miles to go.

"A cup of tea please."

"Well how far did you get today?" says the Burger Van man.


"Oban?!  Christ! You must really like cycling! How long did you stay in Oban?"

"Long enough to eat a Steak Pie & Chips."

"?"...  "Will there be anything else today?"

"Err one of those Tunnock's wafers. How much is that altogether?"

"Oh you can have that Tunnock's wafer for pedalling that far!"

"Are you sure?"

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